Best of 2015: Marissa’s Top Ten!

Bet you couldn’t guess by her posts each week that the CHICAGO shows were #1 on Marissa’s list! Check out what else made the cut! CHICAGO FIRE, CHICAGO PD, CHICAGO MED Image 1 of 10 Do you agree?
Bet you couldn’t guess by her posts each week that the CHICAGO shows were #1 on Marissa’s list! Check out what else made the cut! CHICAGO FIRE, CHICAGO PD, CHICAGO MED Image 1 of 10 Do you agree?
Marvel’s AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. is firing on all cylinders this season – fresh off of an amazing episode that showed us what happened to Jemma Simmons in the 4,722 Hours she spent on a dark and dusty planet, we spent some time chatting with Agent Ward’s (Brett Dalton) current right hand man, Kebo (Daz Crawford), about getting into this character, what comes next, fan reaction, keeping the excitement up week after week, and why a career in comedy is being
Please welcome new My Take on TV contributor, Marissa, to the fold! Fall TV season has arrived, and the network line-ups do not disappoint. Here are some shows I have my eye on this Fall: GOTHAM promised a “Rise of the Villains” in all of their promotions. The season premiere has already set up to keep that promise. We’re being introduced to new characters, such as Theo Galavan (James Frain) and Tabitha Galavan (Jessica Lucas). Ben Mackenzie has previously said
While in San Diego over the summer for Comic Con, I had the chance to sit down with the cast of one of my favorite shows, Marvel’s AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. The cast and EP Jeph Loeb gave us the inside scoop about what we can expect when the show premieres tonight on ABC. Check all of the videos out in the playlist above and tell us in the comments what you think will happen this year!
TV programming this year has really run away from me; shows that I expected to really love fizzled out into nothing and long-running shows that I had avoided due to “ick” factor, became permanent staples in my DVR. Let’s review, shall we? In NO particular order: SCANDAL: I have weekly “Lady Dates” with one of my best friends (HI NATALI!) where we get on FaceTime, Skype or text and watch a bunch of shows. SCANDAL is always a part of
Let me set the scene: San Diego Comic Con 2014. This room was PACKED with press. Tables were full to capacity and interviewers were shoulder-to-shoulder trying to get access to tables because it was apparent; not everyone was going to have time to talk to all the talent. Space was limited, time was more so; I consider myself extremely lucky to have been able to speak to Iain de Caestecker (‘Leo Fitz’), Elizabeth Henstridge (‘Jemma Simmons’),Jeffrey Bell (EP), and Jeph
Looking for a film with action, adventure; and romance? Ray Bengston’s period piece To Have and to Hold is sure to satisfy. Historically Accurate To Have and to Hold follows the closely historically-accurate adventures of the settlement of Jamestown, Virginia in 1607. Aiden Turner (Captain Miles Cambridge) recently spoke with me about his project. “When I initially read the script,” he said, “I really enjoyed the dialogue. It seemed like an enjoyable project. It was a good read and had
Here’s a new video: video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player What is Marvel’s AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D.? Clark Gregg reprises his role of Agent Phil Coulson from Marvel’s feature films, as he assembles a small, highly select group of Agents from the worldwide law-enforcement organization known as S.H.I.E.L.D. Together they investigate the new, the strange and the unknown around the globe, protecting the ordinary from the extraordinary. Coulson’s team consists of Agent Grant Ward (Brett Dalton), highly