After-Take: One Chicago Crossover 3/1
Names of the Episodes: CHICAGO FIRE “Death Trap” / CHICAGO PD “Emotional Proximity” / CHICAGO JUSTICE “Fake”
AirDate: Wednesday, March 1

CHICAGO FIRE — “Deathtrap” Episode 516 — Pictured: (l-r) Kara Killmer as Sylvie Brett, Elias Koteas as Alvin Olinsky — (Photo by: Elizabeth Morris/NBC)
Firehouse 51 is reunited and back on the city’s night calls. Connie has just left for vacation, so her temp is Marcy, a bright eyed young girl unaware of what this house has seen. The trucks pull up to a blazing warehouse fire, much like the fire that just happened in Oakland. One door is opened as the crowds pile out from the smoke and flames. Squad goes in to find anyone else still inside, but they don’t have much time. Several more ambulances come to the scene to treat the victims coming out of the building. More trucks are also coming onto the scene hoping to save even a little part of the building. Mouch, Herrmann and Stella find a young woman trapped in a loft with no stairs leading up to it. So, they improvise a ladder to help her. Once Herrmann sees more people, the civilians begin to panic and move on the loft, which makes it unstable and collapses. Mouch is caught under the debris, but he is okay as they head to safety.
A massive fireball explodes and Boden orders Squad 3 to evacuate the building, Severide says they’re okay and bringing out two more victims. Things go sideways when Detective Olinsky comes over saying his daughter Lexi is living there. He spoke to her a few hours ago, and she was at the warehouse. Severide says they need more time because there are voices coming from the back of the warehouse. Al is desperate and begs them to go back in and find his daughter. Boden allows Severide and himself to go back inside for one more round. At Med, Mouch sees all the trauma victims coming in and doesn’t want his status to make him treated before the burn victims. Maggie agrees to let him to the nurses’ station and continues to direct the victims into different rooms. Severide and Boden find two more girls, luckily one of them is Al’s daughter. However, she has severe burns over her body and will be transported to Med immediately. At Med, Sharon pulls more nurses from upstairs to help with the triage; Lexi is wheeled in with about 60% of her body covered in 3rd degree burns.
Back at the warehouse, the fire had been contained, and the recovery begins. Many bodies have been recovered from the site, they will be covered then identified for their families. At Med, Mouch speaks with a survivor who feels guilty about stepping on someone to get out of a window. Burgess goes to see Al at Med looking for an update on Lexi. She will be placed in a medical coma because her lungs were severely burned from the fire and inhalation. Al hopes she can recover, but the doctors won’t give any reassurance, just that they will watch her closely the next few hours. At the warehouse a vigil has been set up for the victims. Commander Crowley and Voight come to the scene to walk through with the OFI Lieutenant to find out how the fire started. Once at the firehouse, everyone is silent and exhausted from the night shift. Severide reaches out to Anna hoping to hear her voice after the tragedy he just witnessed. The building owner wasn’t trying to make a quick buck with factory, he wanted to help the kids with low incomes have a place to live. Severide is walking the grounds with Susie trying to find the point of origin for the fire.
Mr. Kimball, the warehouse owner is distraught over all the grief he has unintentionally caused so many families. The death toll has now risen to 36; he asks to use the bathroom. Suddenly a single gunshot rings out; they’re too late. Mr. Kimball fatally shoots himself in the head unable to cope with the grief. Chicago Attorney Jefferies makes a statement to the press saying they will still continue to prosecute the case and work with the other departments of Chicago. Susie and Severide bring their findings to the firehouse. The fire was started intentionally with a few ingredients causing a chemical reaction. The police will have to become involved to find out who started this vicious act. At the end of the day, Severide gets a surprise visit from Anna. She refused to let him be the only one to decide when “someday” would be. She has taken a pediatric nursing position at Med in Chicago to be with him.

CHICAGO P.D. — “Emotional Proximity” Episode 417 — Pictured: (l-r) Elias Koteas as Alvin Olinsky, Alina Jenine Taber as Lexi Olinsky — (Photo by: Matt Dinerstein/NBC)
Of course the happy feelings can’t last too long. Boden sees Voight at Med and informs him of the new evidence regarding the fire. Suddenly alarms start coming from Lexi’s room, Dr. Halstead determines the burns have closed her chest too tight. Her lungs aren’t able to expand enough to get oxygen into her body. Natalie comes in to also assist, they need to cut her chest skin to release the pressure. Once the insertions are made, her vitals go back to normal, but she still has a long way to go. Al’s ex-wife Meredith, comes to the hospital hoping for good news.
Halstead can’t give that to her yet, but promises to do their best for Lexi. At the warehouse, Stone from the district attorney’s office and Antonio come to also lend a hand to the tragedy. They want everything done by the book and are willing to sign off on warrants to move the case along. Severide also shows Voight one door wasn’t locked, but had metal wedges pushed under the door so it wouldn’t open. At the precinct, the body count is still at 36, but 18 more are in critical condition. Adam gets a lead on a suspect named Nathan Delano. Nathan was found guilty of setting his family on fire back in the 90s, including three of his own children. When he didn’t check in for a meeting he had an active warrant set for his arrest. His last known address is only six blocks from the warehouse he becomes suspect number one. The team goes to his address and knocks on the door, but they hear a shot gun being loaded and they jump out of the way before it’s shot through the front door.
They call for back up and enter the residence despite still being shot at. The man caught at the home is Wayne Cromwell; he and Nathan were cell mates. Voight decides to take a run at Wayne before sending him off to jail. Hoping for information Voight uses Wayne’s little brother as blackmail. Wayne says he hasn’t seen Nathan, but knows he packed a bag quickly hoping to skip town because he wouldn’t pass his probation drug test. Wayne also gives up the car Nathan has, so a B.O.L.O. is issued to find out of Nathan did set the fire. Erin finds some interesting news, Kimball had doubled his insurance policy six months prior to the inferno. They also see he has a live-in girlfriend named Stacia who may be able to give some information. She claims Kimball never told her anything about the warehouse, but she knew he was being more paranoid lately because of threats.
Luckily Burgess gets a hit on the stolen Toyota, Halstead and Lindsay are on the scene. Nathan comes out shooting injuring a civilian; Halstead chases him down a few blocks and has to shoot him before anyone else is injured. At the station, one of the techs finds cell phone footage of everyone dancing, but a man that leaves just before the fire starts. They suspect the man is about five foot, nine inches tall, about 180 pounds. Unfortunately Nathan was over six feet tall, so he couldn’t be behind the fire. At Med, Lexi is suffering multi organ failure from the burns, all anyone can do is keep her comfortable. That night her heart stops and she passes away from the severe burns as her parents cradle her in the hospital bed. With her death, it brings the death toll to 39. The team is shocked, but Voight asks them to continue so they can put the scumbag behind bars. They are able to find a civilian who keeps calling in suspicious activity about the warehouse. Claire Burke lives down the street and is always calling to have the cops take care of Kimball’s constant arguments with a younger man. She gives a detailed description and even wrote down his license plate number.
She is able to identify Kenny Davidson based on his photo after the license plate is run. Before they can break on Kenny, Al comes upstairs to the team to find out information on the case. Atwater and Adam go to a restaurant to pick up Kenny from his lunch date. He is first charged with carrying a handgun and then will be questioned about his involvement with the warehouse. Voight has to stop Al from going into the interrogation room to see the suspect, he instead offers to have him watch from behind the glass. Voight doesn’t take too kindly to having Kenny lie to his face.
Seems Kenny has pull with family members in the city to blackmail Kimball into giving him money on the side to not rat him out. Kenny admits he had people telling him what the next step should be, but he didn’t set any fire. Tamra Collins, a fire victim has woken from her medical coma and wants to speak to police. The poor thing has severe burns to her entire body, and with the damage done to her eyes may become blind. She describes seeing a young man setting a paper bag down and stepping on it before walking away from the flames. The details aren’t incredibly helpful because they’re basic facts, but if they come across the right person, the details will match up. While at a candlelight vigil, Lindsay sees a young man matching their initial description watching in the crowd. He begins to move through the crowd once he’s been seen, but there is a cop at every turn. He has every detail given by Tamara, so Voight orders him to be sent to the cage.
The suspect is 22-year-old Dylan Oates; before he’s questioned, Voight orders a warrant be given to search Dylan’s apartment. Adam and Jay search for something that would tie Dylan to the scene; Adam finds metal wedges that match the ones jammed under the door so no one could escape. Voight speaks with Dylan about how Lexi was killed in the fire; Voight suspects someone hurt Dylan and that’s why he set the warehouse on fire. Before Voight can even begin to cut into Dylan, Al barges into the room demanding to be left alone with Dylan. Voight refuses to give the keys over and says they need to take care of this case the right way. Antonio comes by to pick up Dylan so they can start prosecuting the case. Before he is taken by Antonio, Al blurts out that Dylan confessed to him. It’s a lie that sets up the final chapter in this crossover.

CHICAGO JUSTICE — “Fake” Episode 113 — Pictured: Elias Koteas as Detective Alvin Olinsky — (Photo by: Parrish Lewis/NBC)
Peter Stone and Anna Valdez are on the case to prosecute Dylan to the extent of the law. First is Dylan’s hearing to see if he will make bail; with the outcry of the victims’ families, bail is not set and Dylan is so far without council. After their bail hearing, they meet with Mark Jefferies to find out their next step to ensure they don’t lose their case. Al goes to visit Dawson at the State’s attorney’s office; Dawson has to ask if Dylan really gave a confession. Al can only say that Dylan killed Lexi, it’s all he needs to justify sending him away. Dawson is a little worried about the circumstances and his new partner Laura Nagel is just as suspicious about the so-called confession.
Michelle and Antonio visit Dylan’s parents looking for any signs of distress. His mother admits he spends over eight hours a day on the computer because he is a date processor. His father believes everyone is out to get them and doesn’t want to be investigated. Antonio tells Stone that only Voight and Olinsky heard the confession and that lie could sabotage the entire case. Anna informs the men that Albert Forrest is Dylan’s lawyer and wants to suppress the confession. Since they’re on the defensive, they allow the confession to be suppressed but they will take the case to court. Anna sees some of the evidence sent to the office and finds an article about Kimball warehouse being a place to pedophiles to prey on underage kids by throwing raves. It’s possible Dylan was sexually assaulted in the past, saw the article and flipped out. One of the side effects of being sexually assaulted is pyromania.
In court, Severide gives his testimony about the findings of the fire. Tamra is the next witness on the stand to testify what she saw that night. She is covered up with long sleeves, a scarf and large dark glasses to help her vision. The defense tries to make the jury see Tamra as unreliable as she had been drinking and had a little bit of drugs. Voight is next and his trust is questioned as to why the states attorney didn’t enter in Dylan’s confession into the record. Stone and Anna take dinner in trying to decide what their next step is for their case. Their journalist lead about the warehouse sex scene won’t testify because it would reveal his sources. He was also blackmailed about a weekend he spent with a woman named Joan while she was separated from her husband. So, he called to meet with her and explain he has to let the information become public because it will help his case. She is furious that the case will come before her saving her marriage.
In the end, the Anders journalist comes to court to testify about his articles. Ultimately the articles were not used sufficiently because it seems Stone is a mark for the con of trial. Dylan’s mother tries to put the blame on herself because she knew her son was being sexually assaulted as a child. Except Stone figures out Forrest’s end game; get the jury to be torn so they at least get a mistrial and his client walks. Stone uses Dylan’s outburst as his right to waive his right to not testify. A clever way to cheat the system, they have 24-hours to find out if his mother was telling the truth about knowing he was assaulted, or find out something else about his life she wasn’t aware of. At the warehouse, flowers and notes were set up for the victims.
A note was left for Arnie (he died in the fire); the note was signed by a Chloe. So, Laura goes to see her to find out why she feels guilty. She had taken her brother Arnold to the rave, when she stepped outside for a smoke, she saw Dylan pacing outside. Once inside, she saw him yelling with a girl; which she identified as Tamra. Anna and Stone go to speak with Tamra, where she confesses to seeing him more than just stepping on the brown bag. He said they met months before, but she denied a date because she had to study. He claims she went to a party instead of going out with him, he found out because he friended her on Facebook and saw the post. She immediately feels guilt for all the people that died at the warehouse. Back in court, Stone puts Dylan on the stand asking if his uncle molested him as a child. Dylan denies the claim and says his mother is stupid, and doesn’t know anything. He created a fake Facebook profile so he could stalk Tamra’s social media feed.
He became increasingly jealous of her social life, but denies ever asking her out. He would rather be at his computer than care about what anyone else was doing at a rave. Closing arguments come and Dylan’s defense claims he is merely a patsy for the entire case. There is no clear reason why Dylan would start a fire with people he didn’t even know inside. Stone comes up and gives Dylan’s reason why he started the fire. Dylan was obsessed with Tamra over social media, so he didn’t have to be rejected in person, he can hide behind his computer and obsess from afar. Dylan can’t handle the persecution and tries to go after Stone by jumping over the table. It’s too late for him and the jury finds him guilty on all counts of the warehouse murders. Justice has been served, but it took the lives of 39 innocent people in the process.
On this season, Chicago Justice will take us into the legal system. Crossing over into the other departments of the city. Stay tuned for a Chicago Med after take tomorrow and the premiere of Justice on Sunday night.