After-Take: CHICAGO FIRE “Purgatory”

CHICAGO FIRE — “Purgatory” Episode 514 — Pictured: Taylor Kinney as Kelly Severide — (Photo by: Elizabeth Morris/NBC)
Name of the Episode: “Purgatory”
AirDate: Tuesday, February 21
With all the changes happening with Firehouse 51, everything and everyone is on their toes. Otis goes to House 67, Herrmann and Mouch are reassigned together to Firehouse 90. Capp and Cruz are sent to answering dispatch calls at the call center. Stella and Brett are assigned to Firehouse 75, while at Firehouse 51 a new batch of workers are assembled for the shifts. They hardly get introductions before their first call comes through. A pedestrian was struck by a car, but gets launched onto the side of a parking garage siding; caught somehow onto the security camera. The new members are not up to par with the old members of the house, but they save the man with no problems. Except the situation was a lot closer than it really should have been.
Herrmann and Mouch are convinced they’re in purgatory while serving with Firehouse 90. Nobody is happy with the reassignments and hope someone can put them back together. Boden goes before the commissioner and his associates to put his firehouse back together. Except Chief Anderson comes into the meeting to stop their favoritism over his direct orders. Boden regretfully has to tell his commanders that the reassignments may be permanent. And they will need to do everything in their power to make their men ready for any call they receive. At least Otis can use his stories from the firehouse to keep his firemen entertained between calls. Stella tries to stick up for a female candidate from Chief Tipton. She’s dealt with him in the past and won’t bow to his bullying ways. Chief Tipton promises to make her life a living hell while she is in the firehouse. Stella invites candidate Missy to hang out at Molly’s to chill out. Herrmann and Mouch crack and go to Boden to find out how they can get back. Boden insists he has done everything he can to get everyone back, but Anderson outranks Boden, nothing can be done. However, Herrmann doesn’t see it that way and yells are Boden for getting to keep a cushy job.
Across the way, Gabby is trying to hide from her partner Chout. He’s just a little too perky to be around all the time; except the moment she hides, they get a call. A kitchen worker slices off four fingers while slicing bacon. The manager was less than sympathetic, so Gabby paraded the fingers and Carlos through the main room to disrupt the restaurant business. Despite their attempts to keep Missy on shifts, she can’t take anymore of Tipton’s insults. She doesn’t see how she can continue under his control and will put her notice in at the end of shift.
Back at 51, Severide wants to call his dad Benny, to see if Anderson has some skeletons in the closet they can expose. They go to Boden to get his permission before they move forward, and Boden agrees, it’s drastic times. At the end of their conversation, a call comes in for a hotel fire which requires the assistance of multiple firehouses. Civilians are still trapped so the houses go floor by floor to assist. Severide takes his group to the ballroom where people are trapped inside. Their door is jammed so they use their tools to unlatch the door. Despite their best efforts, the doors are made with fortified steel so the rescue isn’t happening as quickly as they would like. Boden goes in and supplies a hydraulic tool to finally open the door. Otis can’t stand by any longer waiting for instructions so he takes a hose and runs off to help. The door is finally opened and everyone piles out of the room. Boden goes to save one more man who cannot stand, but doesn’t see a clear exit. Until Otis runs in with the firehose to clear an exit for them! Upstairs, Stella, Missy and Tipton are coming down the stairs after clearing the floor.
Tipton takes off his helmet and seems satisfied with their work, but Missy sees smoke going under the door, realizing backdraft is about to happen, she jumps to push Tipton out of harm’s way and everyone continues down the stairs. Otis declares the fire to be finished and everyone can breathe a sigh of relief. Missy decides to stick with her station, knowing that feeling of rescuing someone cannot be outdone. At the end of the episode, the man Boden rescued from the hotel fire, is a Deputy Mayor! His name is Dale and says the firehouses saved about 15 government associates that represent the city of Chicago. Dale wanted to make sure Boden got a medal for all of their hard work, except Boden had something else in mind. Chief Boden will get his team back from reassignment while Chief Anderson isn’t done with his revenge yet. Meanwhile Severide has yet to give a confirmation about the job offer in Springfield. He’s been thinking about it a lot and calls Anna to tell her he will be staying in Chicago. It’s his home and over the past few days he’s had clarity that it’s where he needs to be.
Fire will be back on Wednesday to start the 4 episode Chicago Crossover. A warehouse fire traps many civilians, a case straight from the headlines. See how everyone works together over the course of two nights of Chicago episodes!