Category Archives: House of Cards

HOUSE OF CARDS’ Al Sapienza talks Emmy History with Cheryl

The online CBS/AP announcement read “House of Cards Makes History.” The Netflix series has set the bar, and it’s a high one.  It received a Best Drama Series nod at the  recently announced Emmy nominations.  The recognition single handedly flung the series into new territory, as it became the first online series to be nominated for this distinction.  With the nomination, it not only gave the distinction of putting online series on the map alongside network television shows, but it

THE SOPRANOS’ Al Sapienza Takes Political Stance

In his own words, Al Sapienza tells me, “I made my mark in The Sopranos a long time ago, so people think of me as a hood.  You know, I have that Mafia look and name.” His role as Marty Spinella in House of Cards breaks that mold. Sapienza’s A Good Guy As I speak with Sapienza, he is shooting Person of Interest, on which he has a recurring role as Detective Terney. He’s also starring with Kevin Spacey on