Category Archives: Friday Night Lights

Breaking News: FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS get 2 season pickup!

It sounds like our dreams are coming true! Perennial critical darling and my favorite show currently on TV has been picked up for not just one but two new seasons! Much like this year, where the show ran on DirecTV first in the fall and is airing now on NBC, FNL will do the same for seasons 4 and 5. Not much is known, storyline-wise but it sounds like Lyla (Minka Kelly, who is off to hang out in DC

It's a stay home kind of Friday!

So here I am, battling 5 degree weather (my apologies to my pals in other places suffering from negative-degree weather – that’s just sick), and I am more excited than ever to go home after a long day at the office, pop some popcorn, and curl up on the couch to watch some of the best TV ever made.  Why’s that?  Because two of my favorite shows return tonight and I could not be happier! Up first, at 9, reappearing

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