Category Archives: Best Friends Forever


My friend Melinda asked me last night if BFF was coming back with all new episodes. After I got her message, it took me a minute to recover from the pain of remembering that the lovely comedy from NBC, which starred Jessica St Clair and Lennon Parham as characters who moved in together after a life-changing emotional event, was still over way before it should have been. But it only took me that one minute to recover because, BFF friends,


BFF: OK, to whom do we send Scoops and copies of Steely Mags to save this show? I have a lot of great, close, and funny friends. The kinds of friends where the inside jokes go back so far you don’t even really remember why they are funny anymore. When you can say, or text a single word or phrase to them (Kthothis, Ha-Yearnin’, Cochabamba, Handbags, Bee In My Pants) and the two of you do spittakes of laughter until

Give BEST FRIENDS FOREVER a (second) chance!

I’ll admit that when I watched the premiere of BEST FRIENDS FOREVER, I wasn’t immediately hooked.  I liked the cast, I liked the idea and story behind the show, but it didn’t strike me as must watch until I watched the pilot again.  From that second viewing, I was smitten.  While HAPPY ENDINGS is on hiatus (and yes, I realize they’re on separate networks), BFF has taken the top spot on the “let me swap ridiculous quote text messages with

Worth Watching on Wednesday (alliteration not intended but enjoyed)!

Lots of good TV on tonight if you know where to look! For me it’s all about the following – SURVIVOR (8/7c) is still trying to recover from losing their incredibly polarizing (and maybe not polarizing in the truest sense where you LOVE or HATE Colton, but polarizing in that you either watch regardless of him or don’t watch because of him), but the show proves that they still have some tricks up their sleeves and a blindside of a