Quick Take: SLEEPY HOLLOW S2 starts fast, doesn’t slow down

SHGroup_hires2I sat down to watch SLEEPY HOLLOW’s second season premiere today, thinking I could multil-task, get other stuff done, maybe minimize the window and handle other things.  Boy, was I wrong!  From start to finish, the episode held my attention and I found myself not able to breathe, relax, and/or sit back in my chair as the action started at minute one and didn’t let up until the credits started rolling at the end.

When we left the gang, Abbie was in purgatory, Ichabod was buried in a coffin (thanks SON), Jenny was maybe dead, Irving was in jail, Katrina was on Earth but taken by Abraham, and old sonny-boy Henry was revealed as the second Horseman.  In tonight’s premiere (9/8c), War is here and nothing will ever be the same.  Can’t say anything really without spoiling how they get out of their many cliffhangers, but I will say that this show I had initially written off as just another adaptation I had no interest in has easily become one of my most anticipated returning shows and the premiere is so full of excitement (and one of the best Ichabod burns) that I’m 100% on board for Season 2!

Check out some promo shots and images from tonight’s episode and let us know what you think after it airs!

SLEEPY HOLLOW: Katia Winter. 2014 Fox Broadcasting Co. CR: James Dimmock/FOX

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©2014 Fox Broadcasting Co. Cr: James Dimmock/FOX